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A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge
Fengqiao Scenic Spot is famous for its 'five historical sites'including Hanshan Temple, Jiangfeng Bridge, Tieling Pass,Fengqiao Town and the Grand Canal. The town of Fengqiao, as well as the Fengqiao Scenic Spot, was named after Maple Bridge 枫桥. This old bridge, built next to the Grand Canal and spanning the Fengjiang River, was an inevitable spot for anyone who took the public road (post road) by it. Before the Tang dynasty, Maple Bridge was called Fengqiao 封桥 (literally, 'the bridge for road closure') for the then government set up a pass here to serve as an access point for merchants and ships. Every night after the city gate of Suzhou was closed, no ship would be allowed to sail on the canal. So, captains had to moor their ships by the bridge and wait till the dawn came. On some day after the An Lushan Rebellion of the Tang dynasty, when the poet Zhang Ji passed by Hanshan Temple and spent his night by the bridge on one of these ships, he drew inspiration from the scene and wrote the famous poem 'A Night Mooring by Maple Bridge'. The poem, attractively describing the moonset, the caws, the frost, the maples, the lights of fishing boats, and the boat and its lonely poet passenger, has made itself a name card of Suzhou and made famous the sites including Hanshan Temple, Jiangfeng Holm and the old town of Fengqiao (now known as Fengqiao Sub-District). And since the Sui and Tang dynasties, this old town by the canal has gradually developed from a small fair into a busy town. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, Fengqiao was famous for its fairs and shops. In the Qing dynasty, Fengqiao became the largest hub for rice and bean trade in China. Today, locals of the town still remember the saying that 'Compare the price of rice with that in Fengqiao, and you will never be cheated when you buy rice.' It was also in the Qing dynasty that the scales of Feng Hu 枫斛, a weighing instrument used by the rice traders in Fengqiao, became the national standard for weighing grain. On April 27, 1949, the first shot for the liberation of Suzhou city was fired in Tieling Pass. In the 1950s, a meander cutoff project was carried out for the tight bend of the Grand Canal’s Suzhou section, and thus a new holm, Jiangfeng Holm, was formed between the new course and the main canal.
枫桥夜泊简介(苏州话版): 苏州人侪晓得葛,枫桥景区“五古”出名,俚笃就是寒山古寺、江枫古桥、铁铃古关、枫桥古镇搭仔古运河。枫桥镇,匣就是因为有仔顶枫桥,搿勒有仔该葛名字。运河靠古镇该段,还有名字叫枫江,枫桥就造勒嗨枫江浪向,是古辰光运河水路葛必经之地。唐朝以前,枫桥匣叫“封桥”,听听差不多,一个是枫桥葛枫,一个是封锁葛封。官府勒海该搭设卡检查往来葛船只。每日天夜里厢,苏州城葛城门关仔之后,进城葛上塘河,搭仔运河侪封航哉,船要勒嗨该搭停靠到天亮的嘞搿勒,张继会勒嗨深更半夜写出仔《枫桥夜泊》搿首诗。后来该首诗,倒变仔苏州城葛一张名片。枫桥一直匣是江南葛大镇。清朝辰光,枫桥一带是全国最大葛粮食、米、豆搭手工业产品葛集散地,甚超至于还是全国经济形势的风向标,康熙皇帝日脚要看枫桥葛粮价来估计国家经济情况,清政府还专门做仔一种规范米粮度量葛家生,就叫“枫斛”,行业里还有“打听枫桥价,买米不上当”葛说法。到仔1949年4月27日,解放苏州城葛第一声枪响就匣勒嗨该搭铁铃关口打响。20世纪50年代,大运河苏州段实施仔枫桥裁弯取直葛急湾改造工程,勒嗨枫江西面,开出仔一段新运河,纳末,新、老运河当中,就有仔一个新葛岛屿——江枫洲。