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Baodai Bridge
The Baodai Bridge, also known as the Changqiao Bridge (literally, a longbridge), lies on the Daidai River running between Tantai Lake and the Suzhou section of the Grand Canal. It is one of the top ten famous bridges in ancient China and is one of the oldest bridges in China that is still extant. The BaodaiBridge was praised as “the unequalled bridge in the land of Wu” by the Qianlong Emperor. It was built during the reign of the Emperor Xianzong in the Tang dynasty. It is said that the bridge was named after the story that Wang Zhongshu, a provincial governor of the Tang dynasty, sold his jewel-decorated belt baodai 宝带 to finance the construction of the bridge. Yet another story goes that the bridge got its name because it looks like a jeweled belt floating on the water. Among old stone bridges along the Grand Canal, Baodai Bridge bears the longest length, the largest number of arches and the lightest weight. Baodai Bridge functions as a dike to connect between areas separated by water. The design of the bridge’s 53 arches not only is conducive to the flood relief of Taihu Lake, but also ensures the stability of the canals. The construction of the Baodai Bridge embodies the wisdom of the bridge builders in ancient China. These builders’ structural-mechanics-based use of “flexible piers” and “rigid piers” has made the Baodai Bridge an outstanding example in the history of bridge construction.
宝带桥(苏州话版): 宝带桥,勒嗨大运河苏州段葛西面搭澹台湖当中葛水路浪向,匣有人叫 俚长桥,乾隆皇帝称俚是“吴中第一桥”。因为俚是中国现存建造辰光最早葛 古桥之一,所以勒嗨中国古代十大名桥里厢,俚匣有仔一个席位。宝带桥造葛 辰光,是唐朝元和年间。当时苏州葛刺史王仲舒捐出仔俚自家身浪向葛宝带, 筹集资金,宝带桥匣据此得名。还有种说法,因为该座桥像一条宝带氽勒葛 水面浪向,所以得名。宝带桥勒嗨水道交汇葛场化,起仔一个抵挡浪头葛堤 岸作用,匣是大运河沿线现存最长、桥孔最多、结构最轻巧葛连拱古石桥。宝 带桥全长316.8米,阔4.1米,有53葛桥洞,用桥代堤,沟通陆路;里厢多孔葛 设计既有利于太湖洪水宣泄,匣保证仔运河航道稳定,还可以当纤路,是伲中 国古代造桥匠师聪明才智葛创造。特别是桥里厢柔性墩搭刚性墩相结合葛营 造,反映仔古代造桥匠师对结构力学葛认识深度,是桥梁史浪葛杰出典范。