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浒墅关(普通话版): 浒墅关原名“虎疁(liú)”,因相传秦始皇时期蹲守虎丘的白虎遁走至此而得名,后因南唐、吴越时期两次避讳改称“浒墅”,宋代又称“许市”。明宣德、景泰年间,在此设立的收取运河往来船只钞税的榷(què)关制度渐趋完善,由户部选派官员出任榷关主事。浒墅关成为江南运河段仅有的两大钞关之一。清代沿袭这一制度,后主事渐由清廷内务府选派的苏州织造官员兼任。浒墅关舟楫辐凑,往来络绎,素有“江南要冲地,吴中活码头”之称。旧有浒墅关八景,因位于运河畔西侧、经清乾隆帝品题而改称的“昌阁风桅”是八景之首。
Xushuguan Town
Xushuguan was originally known as Huliu 虎疁, which was named after the legend that a white tiger from Tiger Hill disappeared into a swidden field to escape its tracker the First Emperor of Qin. Later, under the Southern Tang regime and in a time when the region was a part of the Wuyue Kingdom, it was renamed twice and became known as Hushu 浒墅, or Xushi 许市, to avoid the taboo of its rulers. During the reign of the Xuande Emperor and the Jingtai Emperor in the Ming dynasty, the tax system of Customs Houses 榷关 emerged and gradually took shape. And one of the only two Customs Houses in the Jiangnan Canal, a part of the Grand Canal, was set up in Xushuguan to collect transit fees on all shipping that used the canal. At first, the Customs House was supervised by a chief official appointed by the Ministry of Revenue of the Ming government. Later, the Qing government decided that the position should be held by the chief of Suzhou Weaving Bureau under the authority of the Imperial Household Department. Through the ages, Xushuguan has always been known as 'the hub of Jiangnan region and the bustling port of Wu land' for the hustle and bustle of its canal traffic. It is said that there used to be eight major sights in Xushuguan, with Chang Ge Feng Wei 昌阁风桅 taking the dominant position due to the pavilion’s prime location on the western side of the canal and its inscribed board bestowed by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty.