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Tiger Hill Pagoda
Tiger Hill is renowned as 'the number one scenic spot in the land of Wu' and 'a marvelous example of hills in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River'. And the Tiger Hill Pagoda, which is situated right on the Tiger Hill, has watched over the Suzhou section of the Grand Canal for more than 1,000 years. The pagoda was constructed from the end of the Five Dynasties period through the beginning of the Northern Song dynasty (A.D. 959–961). Imitating Chinese wooden frame towers, the pagoda is a seven-story and eight-sided masonry structure of pavilion style.The Tiger Hill Pagoda is also known as Yunyan Temple Pagoda, which was named after the Yunyan Buddhist Temple nearby. It is a famous leaning tower for the way it leans to thenortheast. The center of the top of the tower leans 2.34 meters away from the center of the bottom, and the maximum inclination angle is 3°59′. Even so, the pagoda still stands firmly as a 47.7 meter high tower on the hill. In March 1961, the pagoda was announced by the State Council as one of the first batch of major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level. Years ago, a number of precious cultural relics were discovered in the pagoda. Among them, the Celadon Lotus Flower-Shaped Bowl from Yue kiln of the Five Dynasties period is a piece of rare treasure. This art piece, fired using traditional Yue ware craftsmanship recorded in a secret glaze formula, is now displayed at Suzhou Museum. And the Sword Pool at the foot of the pagoda is generally said to be the burial place of Helv, the king of Wu in the late Spring and Autumn period.
虎丘塔简介(苏州方言版): 虎丘山是“吴中第一名胜”,山浪葛虎丘塔是大运河苏州段葛一个航标。 该座宝塔又叫云岩寺塔,是勒嗨五代末年到北宋初年造葛,从造好到现在已 经要一千年出头哉。该座塔平面是个正八边形,七层高,到顶47.7米,是一座 以砖结构为主、仿木结构阁楼式佛塔。该座塔最出名葛是俚是一座斜塔,塔 身朝北偏东方向斜过去,最大葛倾斜度到仔3°59′。20世纪50年代维修葛辰 光,勒嗨塔身里出土仔弗少珍贵文物,现在侪勒苏州博物馆。1961年3月,俚 拨勒国务院公布成为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。塔下头葛剑池, 世世代代侪拨大家当仔是春秋末期吴王阖闾葛坟。